This is only visible to Quiz admnistrators.
1 seul fichier.
Limité à 200 Mo.
Types autorisés : png gif jpg jpeg.
Allow users to go back and revisit questions already answered.
Enregistrer les résultats
These results should be stored for each user.
Require the user to retry the question until answered correctly.
Display the allowed number of attempts on the starting page for this Quiz.
Allow users to skip questions in this Quiz.
Allow users to leave this Quiz incomplete and then resume it from where they left off.
Allow users to jump to any question using a menu or pager in this Quiz.
If the user is able to visit a previous question, allow them to change the answer.
Allow users to go back and revisit questions already answered.
Each attempt builds on the last
Instead of starting a fresh Quiz, users can base a new attempt on the last attempt, with correct answers prefilled. Set the default selection users will see. Selecting "fresh attempt every time" will not allow the user to choose.
Show a message if the user has previously passed the Quiz.
Allow users to mark their answers as doubtful.
Mélanger les questions
Random order - all questions display in random order
Random questions - specific number of questions are drawn randomly from this Quiz's pool of questions
Categorized random questions - specific number of questions are drawn from each specified taxonomy term
Quiz terms
Aucun Paragraph ajouté pour l'instant.
Quiz date

Date de début

Date de fin

The date and time during which this Quiz will be available. Leave blank to always be available.
The number of times a user is allowed to take this Quiz. Anonymous users are only allowed to take Quiz that allow an unlimited number of attempts.
Set the maximum allowed time in seconds for this Quiz. Use 0 for no limit.
Passing rate for this Quiz as a percentage score.
Summary text for when the user passes the Quiz. Leave blank to not give summary text if passed, or if not using the "passing rate" field above. If not using the "passing rate" field above, this text will not be used.
Summary text for when the user fails the Quiz. Leave blank to not give summary text if failed, or if not using the "passing rate" field above. If not using the "passing rate" field above, this text will not be used.
Contrôler quel retour d'information apparaît et quand. Pour afficher un retour d'information par question, une des options de revue de la "Question" doit être activée.
After the quiz
Show feedback after the quiz
After the question
Show feedback after the question
Result options
Aucun Paragraph ajouté pour l'instant.

You must delete all attempts on this quiz before editing.
